How to Select the Perfect AI Model for Your Application

Posted on 12 August 2024
|5 min read|
How to Select the right AI Model for Your Application

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    Siri, Alexa, and ChatGPT are among the most popular smartphone applications, and their popularity stems from their AI capabilities to serve you at your command. But given that this tech is employed by the tech giants like Apple and Amazon doesn’t mean that this privilege is reserved for the few. According to a Forbes Advisor poll, 64% of organizations think artificial intelligence would help them improve overall efficiency. 

    Understanding these models and learning how to select the perfect AI model is critical to realizing the full potential of AI for your unique application.

    What is an AI Model?

    AI models are preprogrammed computers that can identify patterns, predict outcomes, and make choices without humans. AI models can analyze data, develop conclusions, and act on them. If you think about it, your brain works like this. Machine learning algorithms let artificial intelligence examine and enhance inputs via data processing.

    Before we learn how to select the perfect AI model, you must learn its categories and types first.

    Types of AI Models

    As we know AI in social media is quite active, however, other smartphone applications also actively use AI models. Different types of AI models are grouped into many categories, each with its own set of features and uses. Before choosing an AI model, allow us to give you a quick rundown of these models:

    Supervised Learning Model

    The labeled data used to train this AI model category gives each input a result. Models may even use unused data from their learning to produce predictions because they can learn from labels on data that comes from previous data.

    Supervised Learning AI Model Example

    The teacher gives the student a set of math problems (inputs) along with the correct answers (labels). The student studies these examples and learns how to solve similar problems. Over time, with enough practice, the student can solve new math problems by applying what they’ve learned, just like how the AI model makes predictions based on the patterns it learned from labeled data. 

    Unsupervised Learning Model

    Unsupervised learning is the name of the AI model category that works with unlabeled data. When training, this category has the types of AI models that don’t use labeled data like its supervised learning counterpart does. It is used when the data hasn’t been labeled yet and you want the model to learn on its own.

    Unsupervised AI Model Example

    Like a person trying to go through a disorganized closet without a key, an unsupervised AI learning model has no idea what things go where. When presented with a large amount of data without labels, the model automatically identifies patterns or clusters. 

    Semi-Supervised Learning Model

    A mix of controlled and unsupervised learning methods is used to train an artificial intelligence model with a smaller set of labeled data at first. Once the AI model has been trained, it is trained again on more important unlabeled data to make sure it has seen both learning models.

    Semi-Supervised AI Model Example

    A semi-supervised AI learning model is like a student learning from a few labeled examples and many unlabeled ones. The student gets some homework answers from the teacher and figures out the rest independently.

    Reinforcement Learning

    This model for learning has both rewards and penalties that depend on the training and learning. The model interacts with the real world by getting praise for correct answers and penalties for wrong information.

    Reinforcement Learning AI Model Example:

    Reinforcement learning is like teaching a dog tricks using treats. The dog tries different actions, and when it performs the correct trick, it gets a treat as a reward, reinforcing that behavior.

    Deep Learning Model

    Deep learning is a type of artificial intelligence that uses many layers. Since it pulls important data from big sets, this way of learning could be especially helpful in audio and visual recognition. When you use a deep learning model, which can handle all processes that used to be done manually, you can get rid of the need for human involvement.

    Deep Learning AI Model Example

    Deep learning can be thought of as a system that can tell who is in a crowd. Deep learning models use many levels of neurons to find complex patterns in data, like recognizing objects in photos, in a way that is similar to how people use feature patterns to figure out who someone is.

    Under these categories fall a few types of AI models. Let’s explore them further with their prose and cons to understand how to select the perfect AI model for your needs. 

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    Linear Regression

    Linear regression is an easy and effective machine learning method that assumes there is a straight line between the factors that are input and those that are output. It suggests a continuous output. Giving each input feature a weight makes it easy to see how it changed the estimate.

    Quickly deploys dataMaybe skewed by outliers
    Easily interprets dataVariations may cause inaccurate predictions

    Deep Neural Networks

    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are computer programs that try to make neural networks that work and look like the ones in the human brain. They are very good at finding patterns in large amounts of data, which makes them great at image and sound recognition.

    Highly accurate for complex tasksRequires significant computational power.
    Versatile in useHard to understand the decision-making process.

    Decision Trees

    For both regression and classification, decision trees come in handy as a supervised learning tool. Their operation is based on dividing data into smaller portions and constructing a decision-tree structure, similar to a sequence of “if/then” options.

    Clear decision-making process.  Can become too complex. 
    Handles raw data directly.Struggles with inconsistent data.

    Linear Discriminant Analysis

    One of the types of AI models that uses machine learning techniques to categorize groups or predict outcomes based on patterns in data is Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Like a detective, it uses rules to differentiate between classes.

    Makes the data easier to understandIdeal for linear relationships
    Offers effective classificationNegatively affects performance because of an uneven dataset

    Naïve Bayes

    Basing itself on Bayesian statistics and supposing that characteristics are independent, Naïve Bayes is an efficient and straightforward AI model. It works well with big datasets and is hence ideal for applications such as text categorization and spam filtering.

    Quickly trains and predictsOversimplifies relationships
    Handles large data wellStruggles with interdependent data

    Support Vector Machines

    For both classification and regression, SVMs—Support Vector Machines—are potent ML models. By maximizing the margin between each class, they determine the optimal hyperplane to divide the data into.

    Effectively handles complex dataSlow with large data
    Models non-linear relationshipsNeeds careful setup

    Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)

    One supervised machine learning approach that uses prototypes to determine data classification is Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). In order to make the classifications more accurate, it modifies these prototypes using the data.

    Performs well with limited data.Needs careful tuning of prototypes
    Provides well-defined class regions.Struggles with highly variable data

    K-Nearest Neighbors

    An easy-to-understand approach for regression and classification is K-nearest neighbors (KNN). It skips the step of creating a model and instead uses the ‘k’ nearest data points in the training set to generate predictions.

    Needs no training, predicts directly from dataPerformance can degrade with noisy data
    Easy to understand and simple to implementNeeds to store all the training data
    Used for both classification and regressionThe result can vary with different ‘k’ values.
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    Trends in AI Models for Apps

    Maintaining a competitive advantage and opening new development avenues will depend on company owners keeping ahead of these generative AI services. We will engage with technology differently as a result of these trends in AI models for apps, as well as in terms of creativity and ease on how to select the perfect AI model.

    Here are some key trends in AI models for apps to consider as you make your 2024 planning plans. 

    Multimodal AI

    The majority of LLMs (large language models) are text-only. Multimodel AI models are able to understand not just text but also audio, video, and image input. Search and content production tools are becoming more simple and more integrated with other apps we use every day.

    An example is how iPhones can now interpret photos, metadata language, and search data to identify people and things in your photos.

    AI in Science and Healthcare

    Top AI tools for mobile app development have a lot of promise in science and medicine, in addition to their impact on the business world. AI is now being used by researchers like those at Microsoft to make tools that can predict the weather, figure out how much carbon dioxide is being released, and allow farmers to use sustainable farming methods.

    Enterprise AI Customization

    When you customize Enterprise AI, you change the AI algorithms, models, and apps to fit specific business needs and problems. This could mean making small changes to algorithms to make them better at looking at private data, adding AI features to systems that are already in place, or creating custom AI solutions to handle certain business processes or tasks.

    Workplace Productivity

    AI can speed up and improve the way we work, especially by automating jobs that take a lot of time or are done over and over again. This is one of the trends in AI models that has the huge potential to make us more productive at work, whether we’re entering data into a worksheet, making an outline for a business plan, or checking the quality of products at a factory.

    Quantum AI

    Machine learning methods are just being worked on using quantum computing. Classical AI uses 0s and 1s to indicate information. Quantum AI, on the other hand, uses qubits, which can be in more than one state at the same time owing to the ideas of superposition and entanglement.

    How to Select the Perfect AI Model?

    When you are choosing an AI model for your application, you have to remember that it is the heart and brain of your AI development services. If you pick the wrong one, or do not make an accurate choice, your AI app is most likely to be inefficient. 

    Here are a few factors to consider while choosing an AI model.

    Categorize the Problem

    Understand what problem you want to solve. Find out whether reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, or supervised learning is what you need. Use supervised learning if you need to sort data. Select unsupervised learning for pattern recognition. Choose reinforcement if you want to optimize your activities.

    Access the Performance

    To evaluate the efficacy of your AI model, consider its recall, accuracy, and precision. Verify that it works quickly and that the findings are easy to interpret. This guarantees that the model adequately satisfies your requirements.

    Analyze the Complexity

    Make a decision on whether you need a sophisticated model with advanced features or an easier-to-manage, basic one. Although complex models can offer superior outcomes, they are more expensive and more difficult to maintain.

    Size and Type of Data Sets Should Be Verified

    Data quantities are handled differently by various models. Models such as KNN do better with smaller datasets, while neural networks grow with big data. For best results, make sure your model is suitable for the kind and scale of your data.

    Check the Feature Dimensionality

    Additional features might improve a model, but they can also make it more complicated and expensive. Try to keep the app basic and inexpensive while including enough features for good performance.

    Consider the Training Duration and Expenses:

    Different types of training have different price tags. Despite their remarkable accuracy, some models demand an expensive price tag. Choosing an AI model that works for your requirements in terms of performance and affordability, you should consider how important accuracy is.

    Find the Perfect Fit with Intellonix

    In conclusion, now you know how to select the perfect AI model. It involves understanding trends and key factors that impact your choice. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of machine learning and or exploring AI Development services, having the right expertise can make all the difference. If you’re looking to hire iOS app developers or hire Android app developers, these professionals at Intellonix can guide you in choosing an AI model that fits your needs perfectly.

    We also have wide experience in developing AI solutions for a variety of problems like streamlining communication 24/7 for roadside assistance, and chatbot development for reservations in the restaurant. Given our experience, we are confident that we shall offer you the best solution possible. We provide expert application development services to ensure you get the best AI solutions tailored to your goals.

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