Is Flutter the Right Choice for iOS App Development?

Posted on 26 September 2023
|5 min read|
flutter for ios app development

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    In today’s world of mobile app development, the success of your project is mainly dependent on which framework you are choosing. Flutter has become a well-liked and potent choice when it comes to iOS app development. In this article, we’ll explore whether Flutter is the right choice for iOS app development by examining its key features, advantages, and potential drawbacks.

    What is Flutter?

    Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It was introduced in 2017 and has gained popularity in the mobile app development industry quickly. Flutter uses the Dart programming language and builds native mobile apps using the Skia graphics library.

    Advantages of Using Flutter for iOS App Development

    1. Cross-Platform Development:

    Using the same codebase to create apps for iOS and Android is Flutter’s primary advantage. Flutter’s combination of native performance, hot reload, rich widget library and ease of use makes it a compelling choice for cross-platform development.

    2. High-Quality UI:

    Flutter is known for enabling the development of high-quality and visually appealing user interfaces. Several features contribute to Flutter’s effectiveness in creating polished UIs. Flutter allows for extensive customization of UI components. Developers can create custom widgets and styles to match specific design requirements. This flexibility is crucial for achieving unique and visually stunning interfaces.

    3. Performance:

    Flutter apps are known for their high performance. They are compiled into native ARM code, which means that Flutter apps can achieve near-native performance levels. Flutter also includes a powerful graphics engine called Skia, which helps deliver smooth animations and transitions.

    4. Fast Development:

    The development process in Flutter is streamlined due to features like “hot reload,” which allows developers to instantly see the effects of code changes. This speeds up development and debugging, resulting in faster time-to-market for your iOS app.

    5. Customization:

    Flutter provides extensive customization options, allowing developers to tailor the app’s look and functionality to their specific requirements. This flexibility is crucial for creating unique and engaging iOS apps.

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    Potential Drawbacks of Using Flutter for iOS App Development

    While Flutter offers many advantages, it’s essential to consider potential drawbacks as well:

    1. Larger App Size:

    Flutter apps can have a larger file size compared to native iOS apps. This is because Flutter includes its own set of libraries and the Dart runtime, which adds to the overall size of the application. For some applications, especially those with strict size limitations, this could be a concern.

    2. Limited Access to Some iOS-specific Features:

    While Flutter provides a good set of plugins to access native device features, there might be certain iOS-specific features or APIs that are not fully supported or might have a delay in adoption compared to native development. In some cases, you might need to write custom platform-specific code (using platform channels) to access certain iOS functionalities.

    3. Adoption of New iOS Features:

    Flutter might not immediately support the latest features introduced in new versions of iOS. If your app relies heavily on the latest iOS features, you may experience a delay before Flutter incorporates support for these features.

    4. Less Mature than Native Development:

    While Flutter has made significant strides, it may not be as mature as native iOS development, which has been around for much longer.

    5. Limited Third-Party Libraries:

    Flutter’s ecosystem of third-party libraries, while growing, may not have the same breadth and maturity as more established frameworks like React Native. This could limit the availability of ready-made solutions for specific requirements.

    6. Potential for Performance Issues:

    While Flutter has made significant improvements in terms of performance, its native rendering engine may still not fully match the performance of Swift/Objective-C apps, especially for graphics-intensive applications or those requiring real-time processing.

    7. Limited Native Feature Support:

    While Flutter provides access to many native features through plugins, it may not offer support for all platform-specific functionalities. Some advanced or platform-specific features may require more effort to implement in Flutter, potentially leading to development challenges.


    Flutter is a compelling choice for iOS app development, especially if you want to target both iOS and Android platforms while minimizing development effort.

    Ultimately, the choice between Flutter app development and native app development should align with your project’s goals, industry, timeline, and resources. Whichever path you choose, staying informed about the latest developments in the mobile app development landscape is essential for making informed decisions and delivering high-quality iOS apps.

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